By Bill Davis

January 10, 2023

Social Security Disability pays you the amount you’d receive at your full retirement age. If you’re between age 62 and 67, you may find yourself running low on cash while waiting for a favorable disability decision. Taking Social Security retirement benefits early while still waiting for a decision can offer a welcome lifeline, but doing so will impact your benefits later on.

For more help with financial planning, consider working with a financial advisor.

Applying for Disability in Your 60’s

Applying for Social Security in your golden years can get you a decision faster than applying while you’re younger, but it’s no guarantee. Social Security’s disability examiners consider your previous work history and your medical conditions. To be considered permanently disabled, your conditions must be something that prevents you from working any job permanently, not just the job you currently have. 

When you’re in your 20s, it can be harder to prove that there will be no job you could be trained into for the next forty years that would accommodate your conditions and needs. Once you’re nearly at retirement age, it’s much easier to prove that your conditions prevent you from working a job for the next few years. 

How Long Does a Disability Decision Take?

Even if you have age working in your favor, it can still take a long time to be approved for Social Security Disability. Timelines depend on many factors, including your conditions, how quickly your medical sources respond, and if your application is randomly selected for a quality review. On average, you’ll receive an initial decision three to six months after submitting your application. 

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